
  • Tis the Season

    With Christmas and New Year’s right around the corner many people are getting ready for their annual holiday parties. However, hosts need to take steps to limit their liability before the party begins. Provide plenty of outdoor lighting so guests see the walk-ways. Keep pathways and steps clear of snow/ice to prevent falling. Never leave cooking food unattended on the stove or outside grill. Encourage guests to pick a designated driver who will refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Have no

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  • Smoke Alarm Placement

    The National Fire Protection Association recommends homes should have smoke alarms installed inside every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. You can help protect your family in a home fire with smoke alarms. Install smoke alarms on each level of your house (including the basement), outside each sleeping area, and inside each bedroom. Test each smoke alarm every month to make sure it is working correctly by pushing the test button with y

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  • The 12 Days of Christmas Safety

    Ahhh Christmas, it's just around the corner and many are scrambling to get everything done. Here's a few safety tips for your holiday season. Clean your Chimney. Make sure your outdoor lights are meant for outdoor use. Don’t leave cooking food unattended. Turn off all indoor & outdoor lights before going to bed. Use flameless candles.                                                             Always have a working fire extinguisher in the house. Use safe ladder practices when hanging lights. K

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  • The Promise

    Let’s face it, buying insurance is not one of the most fun things to do. You spend money on it and when you leave your agent’s office, you’re most likely leaving with a folder full of papers, a magnet or a pen, and a PROMISE. What just happened here? Buying a promise feels a lot different from buying a new computer, huh? No, buying insurance is not fun, but that promise is a meaningful purchase. While it’s something you can’t see, touch or hold, if you ever need it you’ll be glad you have it.

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  • Prevent Halloween Accidents With These Tips

    Halloween is a fun time for children to dress up in costumes for a bit of make-believe. Whether you are transforming your home into a haunted house or simply handing out candy to your neighborhood ghouls and goblins, a quick safety check will help ensure a happy night of haunting. The following 6 Tips will assure Halloween home safety... Create a Clear Path – Make sure the path from your driveway or the sidewalk to the front door is free from obstructions or hazards so that visitors don’t stu

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  • Business Insurance Covers Your Risks

    If you are a business owner, it's important that you understand the importance of business insurance and how it can impact your enterprise. Determining your risks and making sure you have the right commercial insurance in place requires an evaluation of a wide range of factors. Your business needs may include: How you serve your customers. How many employees you have on staff. The materials or substances those employees handle. The safety of your building, equipment, and processes. The securit

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  • Hot, Dry Conditions Mean Increased Fire Danger

    The Finger Lakes region is in the midst of the third-driest June since records began being kept in the 1800s.  We know the lack of rain and higher temperatures can do damage to our lawns, but did you know that it can also spark mulch fires? Mulch comes in many forms, from pine needles and grass or hay, to wood chips and shavings, to recycled, shredded rubber.  All types of mulch are flammable.  All it usually takes is some type of heat source. It could be a carelessly discarded smoking material

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  • It's Pool Season

    POOL AND SPA DRAIN SAFETY An entrapment occurs when a person, or an object attached to a person, is sucked onto a pool or spa drain and becomes stuck by the drain’s force. BE AWARE: 5 TYPES OF ENTRAPMENT Hair Entrapment Hair can become entangled in an improperly covered drain. Limb Entrapment Arms or legs can get lodged and may not be able to be pulled free from an improperly covered drain, even if the pumps are turned off. Body Entrapment Any part of the body that covers a drain can b

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