
  • Sending Your Kid Off To College?

    It’s July, and many parents all over the country are faced with the fact that, soon, their child will be heading off to college. With laptops and printers being shipped off to school, it is more important than ever that students and their parents purchase the appropriate insurance protection. The type of insurance you’ll need depends on whether your child will live in a dorm, or in off-campus housing, such as an apartment. For kids living in a dorm, personal belongings will be covered under t

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  • Poisoning Prevention

    Every day, over 300 children in the United States ages 0 to 19 are treated in an emergency department, and two children die, as a result of being poisoned. Key Prevention Tips Lock them up and away. Keep medicines and toxic products, such cleaning solutions and detergent pods, in their original packaging where children can’t see or get them. Know the number. Put the nationwide poison control center phone number, 1-800-222-1222, on or near every telephone in your home and program it into your

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  • Black Friday Shopping Tips

    During Black Friday, consumers will be hitting stores and online retailers to get a head start on buying gifts. Shoppers are naturally on the hunt for deals. However, it's also a great time for scammers and cybercriminals. Here are five tips to protect your card and prevent fraud this Black Friday: 1. Avoid Deals Too Good to Be True Although you may be shopping for deals, there are some discounts or promotions that might be a scam in disguise. If you get an email from an unknown sender advert

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  • 4 Easy Identity Protection Tips

    1. Don’t give out personal information by phone or email. Financial institutions and government agencies, like the IRS, won’t ask for personal data by phone or email. 2. Use strong passwords. Make them at least eight characters, using at least one number, one letter, one symbol and one uppercase letter. 3. Secure paper documents. Never leave bills with checks inside a mailbox overnight. 4. Add Identity Fraud Endorsement to your policy. Contact your agent for more details.

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  • Recycle or Destroy?

    The most common way private information gets into the wrong hands is when it’s not handled appropriately, at home or in the workplace. When employees make personal decisions about what is private and what is not by choosing to use their recycling bin, they put your business at risk. At home, you should also shred documents that contain personally identifiable information to help prevent the risk of identity theft. Shredding devices are available at most office supply stores. Make document destru

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  • NYS Law Requires Smoke Detector Upgrades

    All smoke detectors sold in New York State after April 1, 2019 are required to be powered by a 10-year, sealed, non-removable battery, or hardwired to the home. Homeowners and landlords will soon need to swap out their smoke detectors for upgraded 10-year sealed models, thanks to a new New York State law going into effect this year. Before selling or renting homes and apartments in the state, they need to be upgraded by the property owner. The law sates that April 1, 2019 all new or replacemen

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  • ID Theft

    Every two seconds there’s a new victim of identity fraud. We can provide our customers with the protection needed ID Theft with LifeStages Identity Management Services — a personalized service that provides proactive education, risk-reduction strategies, identity theft protection, privacy management, and unlimited 24/7 resolution support to help fight identity theft and fraud. From a lost wallet to stolen documents to assistance with social media privacy settings. Finger Lakes offers enhancemen

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  • Ordinance & Law

    What is Ordinance & Law Coverage? With building codes continually changing, Ordinance and Law Coverage, is an important endorsement that covers the additional costs to repair damage or replace a building in the event of a covered claim. Older structures may need upgraded electrical; heating, HVAC; and plumbing units based on city codes. After a severe property loss, the first shock comes in learning that rebuilding a damaged structure so that it conforms to the latest building codes can add 50

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